SB 48

Tom Richmond (R) SD 28
Revise variances to water quality standards


  1. Sent Feb. 27:


    Missoula County supports SB 48: Revise variances to water quality standards, up for hearing this afternoon on the Senate Floor. Missoula County believes this is a reasonable means for dischargers to be in compliance with permitting requirements while, at the same time, maintaining surface water standards that are protective of their beneficial uses. We are supportive of the requirement that dischargers implement an optimization program to achieve the most practical reductions in pollutants. This is a positive step towards the ultimate goal of reaching compliance. Further, we are supportive that the conditions of these variances be decided through rule-making with DEQ. Without this variance provision, dischargers will begin to challenge surface water standards or may opt to land-apply wastewater to avoid the issue, which can be harmful to streams that are already impaired due to low flow.

    Please support SB 48.

  2. Sent March 20:

    Representatives Marler and Curdy,

    Missoula County supports SB 48: Revise variances to water quality standards, before House Natural Resources earlier this week. Missoula County believes this is a reasonable means for dischargers to be in compliance with permitting requirements while, at the same time, maintaining surface water standards that are protective of their beneficial uses. We are supportive of the requirement that dischargers implement an optimization program to achieve the most practical reductions in pollutants. This is a positive step towards the ultimate goal of reaching compliance. Further, we are supportive that the conditions of these variances be decided through rule-making with DEQ. Without this variance provision, dischargers may begin to challenge surface water standards or may opt to land-apply wastewater to avoid the issue. This practice can be harmful to streams that are already impaired due to low flow.

    Please support SB 48.

  3. Sent April 3:


    Missoula County supports SB 48, Revise variances to water quality standards, on the House floor this afternoon. Missoula County believes this is a reasonable means for dischargers to be in compliance with permitting requirements while also maintaining surface water standards that are protective of their beneficial uses. We support requirement that dischargers implement an optimization program to achieve the most practical reductions in pollutants. This is a positive step toward the ultimate goal of reaching compliance. Further, we support that the conditions of these variances will be decided through rule-making with DEQ. Without this variance provision, dischargers may begin to challenge surface water standards (particularly nutrient standards) or may opt to land-apply wastewater to avoid risking non-compliance with a standard they cannot presently achieve. Removing this water input can be harmful to smaller streams that are impaired due to low flow.

    Please support SB 48.


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