SB 52

Diane Sands (D) SD 49
Generally revise laws on sexual assault kits


  1. Sent 1/14:

    Senators Sands and Bennett,

    Missoula County strongly supports SB 52, Generally revise laws on sexual assault kits, up for hearing in the Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning. Reports continue to emerge across the nation on how sexual assault kits have been improperly stored – or, in some cases, not even tested -- for years. SB 52 would create a system in Montana to assure victims of sexual assault that their kit is collected, tracked, tested and retained as evidence so offenders can be held accountable. In addition, SB 52 creates a notice of victims’ rights that will be provided by either health care facilities or law enforcement, which will help support victims and ensure they are aware and able to exercise their rights.

    Please support SB 52. Senator Sands, thank you for carrying this bill.

  2. Sent March 20:

    Representatives Keogh and Morigeau,

    Missoula County strongly supports SB 52: Generally revise laws on sexual assault kits, up for hearing in the House Judiciary Committee tomorrow morning. Reports continue to emerge across the nation on how sexual assault kits have been improperly stored – or, in some cases, not even tested – for years. SB 52 would create a system in Montana to assure victims of sexual assault that their kit is collected, tracked, tested and retained as evidence so offenders can be held accountable. In addition, SB 52 creates a notice of victims’ rights that will be provided by either health care facilities or law enforcement, which will help support victims and ensure they are aware and able to exercise their rights.

    Please support SB 52.

  3. Sent March 22:


    Missoula County strongly supports SB 52, Generally revise laws on sexual assault kits, on the House floor tomorrow morning. Reports continue to emerge across the nation on how sexual assault kits have been improperly stored – or, in some cases, not even tested – for years. SB 52 would create a system in Montana to assure victims of sexual assault that their kit is collected, tracked, tested and retained as evidence so offenders can be held accountable. In addition, SB 52 creates a notice of victims’ rights that will be provided by either healthcare facilities or law enforcement, which will help support victims and ensure they are aware and able to exercise their rights.

    Please support SB 52.


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