HB 182

Kenneth L Holmlund (R) HD 38
Establish the Civil Justice Improvements Act


  1. The Montana Association of Clerks of District Court is supporting this bill at the request of Justice Baker. This legislation will provide clerks with one more resource to which customers of limited means can be referred for legal assistance. Although the fee increases proposed by HB 182 may increase the number of fee waivers our offices receive, we are hopeful the legal assistance will result in cases moving through the courts more quickly. Clerks and judges are committed to ensuring access to justice for all. We all spend an inordinate amount of time assisting self-represented litigants with trying to maneuver their way through the judicial system. I believe this bill will help the clerk's office. If Missoula County would be willing to also support this bill I would appreciate it.

  2. Sent afternoon of Jan. 24:

    Representatives Keogh and Morigeau,

    Missoula County supports HB 182: Establish the Civil Justice Improvements Act, before the House Judiciary Committee Friday morning. This legislation will provide clerks with one more resource to which customers of limited means can be referred for legal assistance. Although the fee increases proposed by HB 182 may increase the number of fee waivers our offices receive, we are hopeful the legal assistance will result in cases moving through the courts more quickly. Clerks and judges are committed to ensuring access to justice for all. We believe this bill will help the clerk of court’s office.

    Please support HB 182.


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