SB 14

Dee Brown (R) SD 2
Revise provisions on how a vacancy in U.S. House is filled


  1. Sent afternoon of Jan. 14:

    Senator Bennett,

    Missoula County supports SB 14, Revise provisions on how a vacancy in U.S. House is filled, before Senate State Administration this afternoon. SB 14 would align filling a vacancy with an already scheduled election. Most importantly, this would increase voter participation, but would also reduce significant costs to already tight elections budgets.

    Please support SB 14.

  2. Sent morning of Jan. 22:


    Missoula County supports SB 14, Revise provisions on how a vacancy in U.S. House is filled, before the Senate floor this afternoon. SB 14 would align filling a vacancy with an already scheduled election. Most importantly, this would increase voter participation, but would also reduce significant costs to already tight elections budgets.

    Please support SB 14.


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