HB 408

Dennis R Lenz (R) HD 53
Require immediate threat of serious bodily injury to remove child


  1. Sent afternoon of Feb. 13:

    Representatives Keogh and Morigeau,

    Missoula County opposes HB 408, Require immediate threat of serious bodily injury to remove child, up for hearing tomorrow morning in House Judiciary. Missoula County prosecutes assaults resulting in serious bodily injury on a regular basis under the aggravated assault statute, and the threshold for this is actually remarkably high. A broken nose is not a serious bodily injury. A fractured eye socket rarely is a serious body injury. A broken jaw may or may not be considered a serious bodily injury, depending on whether the fracture is displaced. This statute would tie prosecutors’ hands in protecting children from chronic physical abuse, which is often reported when kids show up to school with a few new bruises every day. This bill also seems to prevent removal of children subject to sexual abuse, exposure to methamphetamine, and the type of chronic neglect that results in long-term harm to children and huge societal costs down the road.

    Please oppose HB 408.

  2. Sent afternoon of Feb. 22:


    Missoula County opposes HB 408, Require immediate threat of serious bodily injury to remove child, on the House floor tomorrow morning. Missoula County prosecutes assaults resulting in serious bodily injury on a regular basis under the aggravated assault statute, and the threshold for this is actually remarkably high. A broken nose is not a serious bodily injury. A fractured eye socket rarely is a serious body injury. A broken jaw may or may not be considered a serious bodily injury, depending on whether the fracture is displaced. This statute would tie prosecutors’ hands in protecting children from chronic physical abuse, which is often reported when kids show up to school with a few new bruises every day. This bill also seems to prevent removal of children subject to sexual abuse, exposure to methamphetamine, and the type of chronic neglect that results in long-term harm to children and huge societal costs down the road.

    Please oppose HB 408.


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