HB 652

Mike Hopkins (R) HD 92
Revise the long range building bonding program


  1. Letter sent March 12: https://missoulacounty.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/administration/BCC/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B2DBEB4C4-A53B-495B-A769-F6C75783F8E6%7D&file=HB%20652.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true

  2. Sent this morning:

    Missoula County strongly supports HB 652, Revise the long range building bonding program, on the House floor this afternoon. This bill would help fund two critical infrastructure projects in Missoula County: the Lewis and Clark wastewater system in Clinton and the Seeley Lake sewer.

    The Lewis and Clark wastewater system is in dire need of replacement. Should the system’s existing tank breach, it would leak untreated sewage and fecal bacteria into the Clark Fork River and close to the Clinton School, and possibly into neighboring private wells, groundwater and surface water. Since it poses a significant threat to public health and the environment, replacing the aging tank at this facility is considered a top priority for the county. This shovel-ready project is ready for bid as soon as funding is secured.

    The Seeley Lake community has been in need of a sewer system for a number of years, as studies going back decades indicate elevated nitrate and chloride levels in the community’s groundwater due to the high density of septic systems. Increased nutrient levels have also impacted the water quality of the lake, as well as the fish, aquatic insects, birds and plants that call it home. This will inevitably degrade the recreational value of the lake, which in turn will impact the local economy. The $750,000 allocated in HB 652 would go a long way toward finally making the Seeley Lake sewer a reality.

    Please support HB 652. Representative Hopkins, thank you for your hard work on this bill.

  3. Sent April 16:


    Missoula County strongly supports HB 652: Revise the long range building bonding program, on the Senate floor this afternoon. This bill would help fund two critical infrastructure projects in Missoula County: the Lewis and Clark wastewater system in Clinton and the Seeley Lake sewer.

    The Lewis and Clark wastewater system is in dire need of replacement. Should the system’s existing tank breach, it would leak untreated sewage and fecal bacteria into the Clark Fork River and close to the Clinton School, and possibly into neighboring private wells, groundwater and surface water. Since it poses a significant threat to public health and the environment, replacing the aging tank at this facility is considered a top priority for the county. This shovel-ready project is ready for bid as soon as funding is secured.

    The Seeley Lake community has been in need of a sewer system for a number of years, as studies going back decades indicate elevated nitrate and chloride levels in the community’s groundwater due to the high density of septic systems. Increased nutrient levels have also impacted the water quality of the lake, as well as the fish, aquatic insects, birds and plants that call it home. This will inevitably degrade the recreational value of the lake, which in turn will impact the local economy. The $750,000 allocated in HB 652 would go a long way toward finally making the Seeley Lake sewer a reality.

    Please support HB 652.


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