
Showing posts from January, 2019

HB 268

LC2802 Sharon Greef (R) HD 88 Revise conciliation rules in cases of divorce

HB 232

LC2402 Bill Mercer (R) HD 46 Revise assessment of taxes during condemnation proceedings

HB 273

LC0611 Casey Knudsen (R) HD 33 Revise exemptions under nutritionists' licensing regulations

HB 343

LC1146 Bradley Hamlett (D) HD 23 Extend retention of employee settlement documents

HB 342

LC3061 Bob Brown (R) HD 13 Create SWAMP special revenue account

HB 341

LC3060 Bob Brown (R) HD 13 Create GWIP special revenue account

HB 336

LC2507 Connie Keogh (D) HD 91 Generally revising laws on temporary orders for maintenance or support

HB 335

LC2506 Connie Keogh (D) HD 91 Generally revise laws to create and amend parenting plans

HB 333

LC2753 Bradley Hamlett (D) HD 23 Require elected county sheriffs to be elected only on nonpartisan basis

HB 332

LC0300 Joshua Kassmier (R) HD 27 Require county approval to relocate bison

HB 330

LC1761 Katie Sullivan (D) HD 89 Require hearing prior to waiver of rights in involuntary commitment proceedings

HB 329

LC1721 Alan Redfield (R) HD 59 Providing funding for local emergency services

HB 328

LC1388 Alan Redfield (R) HD 59 Exempt conservation districts from certain fees

HB 326

LC1394 Alan Redfield (R) HD 59 Allow person to serve on more than one special district board in rural area

HB 325

LC2922 Matt Regier (R) HD 4 Generally revise firearm laws

HB 324

LC3126 Walt Sales (R) HD 69 Generally revise laws related to county water and/or sewer districts

HB 323

LC1577 Brad Tschida (R) HD 97 Provide for free association for non-union public employees

HB 322

LC1545 John Fuller (R) HD 8 Generally revise gun laws

SB 190

LC0734 Mike Phillips (D) SD 31 Establish targets, reporting, and monitoring for CO2 emissions

SB 189

LC0520 Dick Barrett (D) SD 45 Establish a carbon tax and distribute revenue

SB 188

LC0004 Sue Malek (D) SD 46 Revise electricity supply resource planning and acquisition

SB 180

LC0623 JP Pomnichowski (D) SD 33 Remove prohibition preventing voter from showing voted ballot to another person

SB 179

LC2161 Douglas (Doug) Kary (R) SD 22 Prohibit expansion of prohibitions under Clean Air Act w/o approval by local gov

HB 258

LC1460 Jim Hamilton (D) HD 61 Revise laws for passing emergency vehicles

HB 321

LC2964 Fred Anderson (R) HD 20 Allow local governments to limit use of compression brakes

HB 318

LC0139 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Generally revise laws related to central committees

HB 313

LC1785 Andrea Olsen (D) HD 100 Allow worker to choose treating physician in workers' compensation cases

HB 312

LC0593 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revise youth access to tobacco products control act

HB 310

LC0634 Denise Hayman (D) HD 66 Require application in judicial elections for judges and justices

HB 309

LC1189 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Provide safe harbor for pregnant women seeking assistance for substance abuse

HB 306

LC2495 Barry Usher (R) HD 40 Revise when a person may be subject to strip search

HB 305

LC0631 Thomas Winter (D) HD 96 Revise laws on national guard state duty for special work

HB 299

LC2936 Jasmine Krotkov (D) HD 25 Generally revising laws related to improvement district bonds

HB 144

LC1390 Alan Redfield   (R) HD 59 Eliminate certain tax credits

SB 120

LC0026 Limiting restaurant distribution of plastic straws unless requested Sue Malek   (D) SD 46

SB 172

LC1281 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Generally revise post conviction relief laws

SB 169

LC1986 Brian Hoven (R) SD 13 Revise motor vehicle taxation laws

SB 168

LC1988 Brian Hoven (R) SD 13 Restrict certain initial employment applications regarding criminal history

SB 165

LC0965 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Remove unusable mobile homes from property tax rolls

HB 300

LC0137 Kerry White (R) HD 64 Generally revise taxes and the distribution of revenue through sales tax

HB 289

LC0555 Mary Caferro (D) HD 81 Revise law public contracts law to include human services contracts

HB 286

LC1387 Alan Redfield (R) HD 59 Review water rights related to state water claims

HB 282

LC2664 Denley M Loge (R) HD 14 Protect vulnerable persons from sexual misconduct

HB 276

LC3143 Greg Hertz (R) HD 12 Require 2/3 vote to transfer from fire suppression account

HB 274

LC3107 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Provide for restoration of either party's name when a marriage is dissolved

HB 271

LC0042 Bridget Smith (D) HD 31 Revise laws related to siting pipelines

HB 269

LC1874 Derek Skees (R) HD 11 Constitutional amendment for taxpayer protection act to limit tax types

HB 152

LC1144 Kathy Kelker   (D) HD 47 Revise laws related to surprise medical bills

SB 136

LC0159     Fred Thomas   (R) SD 44 Revise laws related to intimidation crimes

HB 228

LC1275 Forrest Mandeville (R) HD 57 Revise privacy in communication law to reflect MT Supreme Court decision

HB 266

LC0378 Nancy Balance (R) HD 87 Revise unlawful transactions with children offense to include tobacco products

HB 264

LC2270 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Revising requirements for dismissing child abuse and neglect petitions

HB 259

LC2945 David Bedey (R) HD 86 Generally revise special district laws

HB 256

LC1145 Connie Keogh (D) HD 91 Allow time of death transfer of vehicles

HB 255

LC2910 Jacob Bachmeier (D) HD 28 Revise laws on transportation of people with mental illness

HB 251

LC0552 Mary Caferro (D) HD 81 Expand the Medicaid buy-in program to children with disabilities

HB 248

LC2672 Jessica Karjala (D) HD 48 Generally revise Medicaid coverage for midwives

HB 246

LC1605 Lola Sheldon-Galloway (R) HD 22 Revise laws for out-of-state subpoenas

HB 236

LC3012 Dave Fern (D) HD 5 Generally revise building code program laws

HB 231

LC3004 Casey Knudsen (R) HD 33 Revising pharmacy laws regarding vaccines

HJ 5

LC1778 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Study of deferred prosecution programs

HB 227

LC1175 Forrest Mandeville (R) HD 57 Remove restrictions on possession of certain animals as pets

HB 223

LC1966 Wendy McKamey (R) HD 19 Deter the fraudulent use or theft of taxpayer funded resources

HB 221

LC1391 Fred Anderson (R) HD 20 Revise pesticide applicator laws

HB 219

LC1499 Shane A Morigeau (D) HD 95 Establish Indigenous Peoples Day in Montana

HB 217

LC0606 Casey Knudsen (R) HD 33 Remove suspension of driver's license as punishment for certain crimes

HB 215

LC1618 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Prohibit incarceration of juveniles in adult prisons

HB 207

LC2246 Kerry White (R) HD 64 Allow counties to review federal rights of way

HB 202

LC3056 Shane A Morigeau (D) HD 95 Revise statute of limitations for victims

HB 201

LC1431 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revising tax lien laws

HB 200

LC0576 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revising tax laws related to mobile homes, housetrailers, manufactured homes

HB 199

LC1181 Barry Usher (R) HD 40 Generally revise laws related to bullying

HB 198

LC3027 Neil Duram (R) HD 2 Revise laws related to "blue alert" criteria

HB 197

LC0598 Daniel Zolnikov (R) HD 45 Require public agency IT contractors use software to verify hours worked

HB 195

LC1565 Dave Fern (D) HD 5 Provide for local option luxury sales tax to fund infrastructure

HB 194

LC0177 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revise lodging and rental car taxes including local option

HB 193

LC0178 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Establish a carbon tax and distribute revenue

HB 192

LC2899 Marilyn Ryan (D) HD 99 Revise laws related to privacy in communications

HB 190

LC1596 Bruce Grubbs (R) HD 68 Revise local government authority to set school zone speed limits

HB 189

LC1614 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Revise parenting plan laws based on age

HB 188

LC1191 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Increase statute of limitations in civil liability for crimes against a child

HB 187

LC0176 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revise laws related to youth suicide prevention

HB 186

LC0389 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revise laws related to depression screening in public schools

HB 184

LC2433 Dave Fern (D) HD 5 Constitutional initiative regarding tobacco products

HB 182

LC0545 Kenneth L Holmlund (R) HD 38 Establish the Civil Justice Improvements Act

HB 181

LC0324 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Revise campaign finance report filing provisions

HB 180

LC2062 Bradley Hamlett (D) HD 23 Limiting transfers by water rights certificate holders

HB 178

LC2962 Fred Anderson (R) SD 20 Prohibit texting and driving by minors

SB 162

LC1443 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Generally revise election laws

SB 161

LC1223 Tom Jacobson (D) SD 11 Allow concurrent service as water/sewer director and rural fire district trustee

SB 159

LC0561 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Requiring certain nonprofit hospital boards to be elected

SB 156

LC1282 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Generally revise laws to incentivize witnesses

SB 155

LC0024 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Revising mandatory minimums for certain sexual offenses

SB 150

LC0325 Bryce Bennett (D) SD 50 Revise ethics laws

SB 149

LC1800 Bryce Bennett (D) SD 50 Provide that sec of state's office pays postage for absentee ballot return

SB 148

LC1802 Bryce Bennett (D) SD 50 Allow late registrant absentee ballot to be dropped off at polling locations

SB 147

LC1029 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Revising laws concerning human trafficking and sex crimes to protect victims

SB 143

LC2886 Mike Cuffe (R) SD 1 Revise voter registration to end at 5PM the Friday prior to the election

SB 138

LC2490 Steve Hinebauch (R) SD 18 Revise fair market valuation with respect to eminent domain

SJ 3

LC0519 Fred Thomas (R) SD 44 Interim study on optional septic drain fields

SB 135

LC1221 Tom Jacobson (D) SD 11 Revise school levies from calculation of tax increment after 15th year

SB 134

LC0326 Dee Brown (R) SD 2 Generally revise campaign finance laws related to electioneering communications

SB 130

LC2071 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Revise school election law

SB 126

LC 1597 Fred Thomas (R) SD 44 Revise workers' comp solvency guidelines for self-insured public entities

SB 124

LC0029 Dee Brown (R) SD 2 Allow uniformed and overseas voters to use electronic signatures

SB 122

LC1634 Sue Malek (D) SD 46 Revise clean indoor air act to include vaping

SB 121

LC0263 Sue Malek (D) SD 46 Establish a fee for disposable carryout bags

SB 117

LC0158 Dee Brown (R) SD 2 Revise highway de-icer laws

SB 116

LC1357 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Generally revise irrigation district election laws

SB 114

LC1763 Jen Gross (D) SD 25 Generally revise stalking and orders of protection laws

SB 113

LC1799 Bryce Bennett (D) SD 50 Allow either DL number or last four of SS number for voter registration

SB 112

LC1801 Bryce Bennett (D) SD 50 Prohibition on distributing things at polling places not to apply to volunteers

SB 110

LC0800 Edith (Edie) McClafferty (D) SD 38 Increase the age limit in the definition of pupil

SB 105

LC0364 JP Pomnichowski (D) SD 33 Provide for lobbyist code of conduct and training

SB 104

LC2969 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Allow counties to establish county auditor as part-time office

SB 102

LC0567 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Revise motor vehicle registration fees

SB 101

LC0583 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Eliminate absentee requirement to return unvoted party ballot

SB 99

LC1494 Cary Smith (R) SD 27 Revise laws related to informing on legal opt out options for vaccines

SB 98

LC2893 Frank Smith (D) SD 16 Adopt most recent federal laws applicable to National Guard

SB 97

LC1037 Frank Smith (D) SD 16 Generally revising laws related to common carrier pipelines

SB 96

LC1177 Frank Smith (D) SD 16 Provide for taxation of vapor products

SB 95

LC0156 Sue Malek (D) SD 46 Revise guns laws related to people convicted of stalking or domestic violence

SB 94

LC0539 Terry Gauthier (R) SD 40 Provide signature authority for advanced practice registered nurses

SB 93

LC0358 Tom Richmond (R) SD 28 Require decommissioning and bonding for certain solar

SB 92

LC0027 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Generally revise laws related to school safety

SB 21

LC0558 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Prohibit use of tanning devices by minors

HB 67

LC0278 Thomas Winter  (D) HD 96 Revise unemployment insurance benefits for members of the military

HB 177

LC2966 Fred Anderson (R) HD 20 Allow school districts to use equalization aid for preschool programs

HB 173

LC1495 Shane A Morigeau (D) HD 95 Revise consent laws for elementary or high school students in a school setting

HB 172

LC2064 David Bedey (R) HD 86 Establish county veterans' service offices

HB 169

LC1183 Marilyn Ryan (D) HD 99 Exempting certain cooperative purchasing agreements from competitive bidding

HB 166

LC0573 Mary Ann Dunwell (D) HD 84 Revise display of sample ballots at polling places

HB 165

LC1501 Marilyn Marler (D) HD 90 Phaseout use of styrofoam

HB 164

LC0449 Barry Usher (R) HD 40 Establish qualifications for the office of sheriff

HB 163

LC0648 Tom Welch (R) HD 72 Allow insured certificates of deposit for security for deposits of public funds

SB 90

LC0633 Nate McConnell (D) SD 48 Revise laws on declaration of emergency or disaster

SB 88

LC1263 Diane Sands (D) SD 49 Generally revise laws related to term "crime of violence"

SB 86

LC0010 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Revising laws regarding temporary orders of protection

SB 85

LC0199 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Revise process to refer veterans to veterans treatment court

SB 84

LC0200 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Revise laws related to psychosexual evaluations of criminal defendants

SB 83

LC0148 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Establishing allowable and prohibited practices for pharmacy benefit managers

SB 82

LC0463 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Revise laws relating to the transfer of property

SB 81

LC0433 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Extend deadline to correct an application for water right permit or change

SB 78

LC0279 Mary McNally (D) SD 24 Require workers' comp insurers to provide notice to worker of claim closure

SB 76

LC0085 Brian Hoven (R) SD 13 Regulate encroachments in highway right of way

SB 72

LC0431 Jon C Sesso (D) SD 37 Revising supplemental notice laws in the Montana Administrative Procedure Act

SB 71

LC0250 Albert Olszewski (R) SD 6 Regulate health insurers' administration of pharmacy benefits for consumers

SB 69

LC0394 Mark Blasdel (R) SD 4 Provisional agricultural classification for certain property with trees/vines

SB 66

LC0419 Tom Richmond (R) SD 28 Generally revise opencut mining laws

SB 65

LC0166 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Generally revise drug and alcohol laws

SB 61

LC0309 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Revise Prescription Drug Registry

SB 57

LC0253 Janet Ellis (D) SD 41 Revise meat and poultry inspection laws in line with federal standards

SB 56

LC0252 Janet Ellis (D) SD 41 Repeal meat and poultry inspection appeals process

SB 55

LC0242 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Generally revise captive insurance laws

SB 53

LC0211 Jon C Sesso (D) SD 37 Revise meal reimbursement for public employees

SB 52

LC0114 Diane Sands (D) SD 49 Generally revise laws on sexual assault kits

SB 51

LC0086 Dick Barrett (D) SD 45 Revise highway definitions, terminology, and allocation process for consistency

SB 50

LC0482 Edith (Edie) McClafferty (D) SD 38 Revise administration of Quality Educator Loan Assistance Program

SB 49

LC0443 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Amend method for measuring water for aquifer recharge or mitigation

SB 48

LC0440 Tom Richmond (R) SD 28 Revise variances to water quality standards

SB 47

LC0438 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Revise laws related to river basin councils

SB 46

LC0437 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Revise laws related to distribution lists

SB 45

LC0432 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Revise certain water right adjudication processes

SB 44

LC0412 Jill Cohenour (D) SD 42 Make conservation license a standalone prerequisite license

SB 43

LC0205 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Allow omnibus hearings to be conducted remotely

SB 40

LC0319 Frank Smith (D) SD 16 Require OPI to create and maintain electronic directory photograph repository

SB 37

LC0106 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Revise laws related to recording of parole board hearings

SB 36

LC0105 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Provide exceptions to mandatory inmate savings

SB 35

LC0030 Fred Thomas (R) SD 44 Generally revise school safety laws

SB 34

LC0444 Pat Flowers (D) SD 32 Revise hearings process for change of water right application

SB 33

LC0564 Tom Richmond (R) SD 28 Revise subdivision laws

SB 32

LC0436 Jon C Sesso (D) SD 37 Create stream gauge oversight work group

SB 31

LC0313 Jason D Small (R) SD 21 Revising the big sky economic development program re: high unemployment counties

SB 30

LC0312 Jen Gross (D) SD 25 Allowing peer support services to be reimbursed under Medicaid

SB 29

LC0126 Fred Thomas (R) SD 44 Require workers' comp for all volunteer firefighters

SB 26

LC0102 Steve Fitzpatrick (R) SD 10 Remove requirement for state to pay travel costs for prosecution witnesses

SB 24

LC0154 Terry Gauthier (R) SD 40 Increase optional light motor vehicle registration fee for parks and recreation

SB 23

LC0560 Keith Regier (R) SD 3 Require accommodations to employer-mandated vaccinations to be uniformly offered

SB 22

LC0022 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Increasing the victim and witness program surcharge

SB 20

LC0123 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Allow certain municipalities to annex onto a rural fire district

SB 19

LC0129 Roger Webb (R) SD 23 Revise laws related to local government budgeting and accounting

SB 18

LC0130 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Establish workforce housing tax credits

SB 17

LC0124 Margaret (Margie) MacDonald (D) SD 26 Authorize creation of regional fire protection service authorities

SB 16

LC0477 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Revise school funding related to special education joint boards

SB 15

LC0132 Carlie Boland (D) SD 12 Allow certain state funds to be used for affordable housing infrastructure

SB 14

LC0135 Dee Brown (R) SD 2 Revise provisions on how a vacancy in U.S. House is filled

SB 13

LC0311 Jen Gross (D) SD 25 Allocating supportive housing grant funds to those serving Am Indian offenders

SB 11

LC0478 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Clarify age requirements related to the definition of pupil

SB 10

LC0475 Daniel R Salomon (R) SD 47 Revise school funding related to major maintenance aid

HB 159

LC0371 Bruce Grubbs (R) HD 68 Generally revise education funding laws

HB 157

LC1377 Forrest Mandeville (R) HD 57 Generally revise laws related to disqualification of judges

HB 155

LC0493 Casey Knudsen (R) HD 33 Generally revise Montana weapons laws

HB 154

LC1529 Katie Sullivan (D) HD 89 Generally revise laws related to disposal and destruction of public records

HB 150

LC2258 Frank Garner (R) HD 7 Generally revise 9-1-1 laws

HB 149

LC1204 Kimberly Dudik (D) HD 94 Limiting when certain individuals are capable of consenting to sexual activities

HB 147

LC1564 Kenneth L Holmlund (R) HD 38 Referendum to establish sanctuary city laws in Montana